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Aviculture - Valmont Agro
JM Creative - шаблон joomla Оригами

информация о промышленном животноводствесвиноводстве и птицеводстве

создание и реализация сельскохозяйственных проектов

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Project of modern poultry further stipulates that the application of the fifth-generation technologies, actively using the manufacture of high technology, highly liquid, export-oriented products with a minimum of manual labor.
The planetary broiler poultry are a priority floor and cellular technology. In the Russian Federation, about half of all livestock broilers are grown in cages. In foreign countries, as a rule, broilers are grown on deep litter.
Our specialists installed the main differences of process parameters on broiler poultry floor and cellular technologies and technological system proposed.
Thus, when the cellular technology of growing broilers compared to the outdoor live weight of poultry increased by 4.2 percent, carcass yield of 1.7 per cent, meat yield from 1 m2 of usable area of ​​3 times the net profit of 1 m2 area of ​​the house 3, 9 times the profitability of poultry by 9.2 per cent decrease in feed consumption per 1 kg of body weight by 8.9 percent, the term rearing of poultry by 2.5 days and cost per 1 kg meat on 12,5-16,2 percent .
In the modern poultry industry cell technology is one of the most economical and fastest ways to improve production, poultry meat.
Increasing the capacity of existing and newly built poultry farms achieved through innovation and intensification, primarily cell technology, it helps to ensure a maximum yield of marketable products per unit area of ​​the house at the lowest cost of manual labor, material and money.

At the same time, our projects take into account in the cell technology features due to sexual dimorphism, as provided for separate rearing chickens and cockerels from day old. feed costs in the separate cultivation of the floor are reduced in comparison with the joint cultivation by 8.5 percent, while body weight increased in males at 5.5, while the females at 11.7 per cent.
Importantly, the said process is particularly effective for receiving cellular broiler.
Cellular Broiler maximizes the use of production facilities, optimize the concentration of production, mechanization, automation of production processes, reducing the cost of utilities, heating and lighting facilities, improvement of sanitary and veterinary conditions. In comparison with a floor containing 2.9 times increase meat yield per unit area.
When grown in the cells does not require bedding to provide better monitoring of the bird, chicks do not come into direct contact with the waste, less exposed to infection with parasites, particularly coccidia. In cells, the chicks grow faster, consume less feed per unit of growth in earlier periods achieved slaughter Conditions. At the checkered broilers facilitated work of workers for catching chickens for slaughter.
Currently, poultry created modern multilevel cell batteries for broilers, created and implemented in the production of highly specialized meat crosses with short growing period (35-38 days), defined rational technological parameters at joint and separate poultry in cages. The technology of deep processing of meat.
However, cellular technology has significant drawbacks. Thus, the limiting factor for the introduction of cellular technology are the high capital cost of the cell and other equipment (62 per cent), problems Namin bird, significantly reducing the quality and appearance of the birds (up to 42 per cent of birds Namin). A significant part of the bird loses its presentation and is subject to deep processing.
In recent years, attempts to obtain new crosses that have minimized these negative phenomena.
Thus, at the moment in the poultry industry are used both technologies as a floor, and cell soderdaniya, their choice is determined by the local conditions and the sector of sales of finished products.