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Sheep breeding - Valmont Agro
JM Creative - шаблон joomla Оригами

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Sheep breeding

Sheep breeding development program at the state level should include support not only individual farmers who practice farming of animals in natural pastures, and sheep in areas of intensive farming, where you can also put this livestock on an industrial basis.
Industrial technology in sheep
Today, sheep farming as a business practice in many countries, the demand for products of entrepreneurs attracted by the industry. In the CIS, sheep breeding is practiced from time immemorial, but progress is being made in technology, modern sheep farms - is a complex, where production is based on the principles of industrial technology.

In particular this applies to the mechanization of processes, which saves not only labor, but also time. Various mechanized farms are engaged in a complete cycle of production and the individual stages of sheep (growing lambs before weaning and rearing).
Innovations affect every stage of growing sheep. Not spared and insemination lambing. For example, actively use the methods of cyclic insemination group lambing.
Thus, the features of the "industrial" sheep:
the creation of large farms (there are specialized farms, which contains up to 50 thous. heads)
comprehensive mechanization,
innovative technologies,
site processing of raw materials (meat, wool, hides).
Premises for numerous herds
Of course, the dimensions depend on the number of heads and the climatic conditions. Consider this example: a farm for 10 thousand ewes. Here suggest using not separate the sheepfold, and blocks to a more rational use of the territory. Thus, it is possible to build a complex of 4 units (capacity of 2.5 thousand. Queens). This modular system and it will be easier to maintain, to maintain the necessary microclimate.
The main rule in the design of premises for a certain number of sheep - is the lack of tightness. If space is insufficient, it will lead to mechanical injury, the spread of disease, increase in the number of abortions. The cramped conditions and stuffy rooms deteriorating animal appetite, they become painful, it affects the weight and quality of the wool, the offspring also becomes worse.
Thus, the farm on 5 th. Heads are built of individual sections measuring 210 to 110 m2. These sections may be combined in blocks of section 2-4. Also separate sheds (preferably trójścienna) needed for feeding, resting for the sheep. (-)