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Recycling - Valmont Agro
JM Creative - шаблон joomla Оригами

информация о промышленном животноводствесвиноводстве и птицеводстве

создание и реализация сельскохозяйственных проектов
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At any livestock or meat processing waste recycling is one of the most important tasks. To solve this problem better at the design stage, in this case, you can choose the solution most appropriate to the tasks of a particular company. For each animal or poultry enterprise there is the problem of disposal of manure or litter, particularly acute this problem faced by large poultry farms.
The most common methods of disposal of manure used to date in Russia is maintaining manure or litter in silos or composting sites for 8-12 months, then it can be used as fertilizer. Litter is often disposed of in the so-called "pyrolysis" plants, where it is simply burned. These methods have many drawbacks, ranging from pollution and ending as it may seem rather high cost.
Let's try to calculate the cost of production of film for pig lagoons, such as the 500 head of breeding stock.

Out of manure with the farm will be 60 cubic meters daily given washing and disinfection. In accordance with the requirements of the NTP 17-99 * manure storage undivided fractionation must be carried out within 8-12 months. The depth of the lagoon must not exceed 5 meters, and the width should not be less than 18m. So, taking into account the rainfall accumulated in the period of one year, we need to store manure lagoon is not calculated at least 22,000 cubic meters
At a height of 5m its lagoon area of ​​the 4400kv.m., That is, we need the lagoon size of about 50 to 100m. Normally, put two or more lagoons, depending on the technology cycle, but for simplicity we count one on the entire volume of manure.
The cost of excavation can be estimated on the basis of 5 Euro per 1kub.m. obtain 110 000 Euro. To override a lagoon 5600kv.m need. (Including walls) of the film, when its average cost of 25 Euro per sq.m. we get 140 000 Euro. Also in accordance with the rules of such manure in lagoons should always stir submersible mixers, the value of which is approximately 40 000 - 50 000. Total we get 300 000. It turns out is not a small sum.
But in fact, it will require additional costs associated with moving large amounts of soil during construction, as well as the fixed costs associated with the annual devastation lagoons and manure removal for irrigation. In a relatively short time (one to two weeks) it is necessary to bring order 10-15tys. cbm manure. Pumping the manure through pipelines can not make do not always, if the fields are located at a distance of more than 1 km it is not practicable.
In Italy, the disposal of problem was very serious, and the cost of 1kg. Live weight (1.1 Euro) manure disposal took up to 30 cents. Taking into account various factors such as the high cost of electricity, tough penalties for the pollution in the Italian alternative ways of disposing of manure and litter even with energy recovery began to develop (thermal, electrical). Using plants biogas from intensive water treatment, as well as for the production of biodiesel for poultry units decided to most of these problems, and even allowed in some cases to receive significant revenue from waste, including from third-party manufacturers and manure droppings is now regarded not as waste but as a source of additional revenue.
In this section we will consider a variety of technologies for the processing and purification of industrial waste water livestock and poultry farms, as well as plants for slaughter and meat processing.
We also try to tell how effective the installation of biogas not just from the standpoint of utilization of manure, but also in terms of electricity production. Consider the various technological solutions biogas plants and factories for the production of bio-diesel, as well as a variety of errors in their construction, which, incidentally, was the reason for the spread of rumors about the inapplicability of biogas plants in the territory of Russia. We can not just say with confidence that this is nonsense and prove it.