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Pig breeding - Valmont Agro
JM Creative - шаблон joomla Оригами

информация о промышленном животноводствесвиноводстве и птицеводстве

создание и реализация сельскохозяйственных проектов

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The main goal of modern industrial pig production is - the creation of highly complex for growing closed-type pork, using the latest achievements in the field of maintenance and breeding of animals, genetics and breeding, slaughtering, waste management and in compliance with international regulations and environmental requirements.
Pig-breeding complex in this case, we consider as a single production facility with a closed cycle operation, divided by the organization into two parts: the reproduction and fattening. Used hybrid reproductive stage; fattening pigs will be up to a weight of 120 kg.
The main features of the industrial pig:
Intensive industrial production of fattened pigs with technology solutions that achieve high economic efficiency and the lowest possible production costs.
The low level of capital expenditure as a result of the introduction of rational construction and technical solutions.
Options farm highly productive herd; Genetic support for the open-ended contracts; centralized management of the process of reproduction and the program of veterinary, sanitary, Bioprotective, genetic and preventive measures.

Implementation of the organizational structure to ensure continuous monitoring of the personnel, organization of production, prevention and others.
Specialty rooms in all phases of the production cycle.
Installation of modern technological equipment, providing the minimum number of staff, reducing labor costs.
High pay weight gain feed.
On the way to industrial pig farm production organization plays a pivotal role and has a significant impact on the technical solutions, the program interventions, the use of premises and equipment, the organization of labor.
We recommend using the method of "mass production subsequent cycles", which aims to fattening pigs groups at short and regular intervals. The method is based on the separation of livestock farms in the group of pigs of similar age, weight and the phase of the production cycle. The group can easily identify and control at any time: all animal groups require the same care. Thus the term "homogeneous group", ie, organization replaces the term "individual". The Group is a production unit, which is based on the organizational structure of the farm from production to operation of the program, the use of premises to a method of accounting results. Formation of homogeneous groups inevitably based on the population of sows, which defines the organizational structure of other categories of pigs.
The method of "mass production subsequent cycles" translates traditional pig farming on an industrial scale, with the following key benefits:
Possibility of introduction of advanced cultivation technology for high productivity performance of animals.
The high level of specialization of livestock buildings and their sections.
Permanent production structure - population in the individual phases of the production cycle, ensuring full utilization of capital investments.
Constant use of the labor force, which, thanks to the organization of the farm, eventually acquiring a high level of specialization inherent in industrial production.
Using specialized livestock buildings for all phases of the production cycle. The room just vacated by a group of pigs, after the necessary preventive break immediately engaged in another group (the principle of "all empty, all busy").
Easy management of the economy and easy care of the animals.
Fixed costs of feed, energy, water, fuel, medicines and other medical.
Uniform high quality output fattened pigs.