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Recycling - Valmont Agro
JM Creative - шаблон joomla Оригами

информация о промышленном животноводствесвиноводстве и птицеводстве

создание и реализация сельскохозяйственных проектов


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At any livestock or meat processing waste recycling is one of the most important tasks. To solve this problem better at the design stage, in this case, you can choose the solution most appropriate to the tasks of a particular company. For each animal or poultry enterprise there is the problem of disposal of manure or litter, particularly acute this problem faced by large poultry farms.
The most common methods of disposal of manure used to date in Russia is maintaining manure or litter in silos or composting sites for 8-12 months, then it can be used as fertilizer. Litter is often disposed of in the so-called "pyrolysis" plants, where it is simply burned. These methods have many drawbacks, ranging from pollution and ending as it may seem rather high cost.
Let's try to calculate the cost of production of film for pig lagoons, such as the 500 head of breeding stock.